Nazuna without armor. This form give her a bit more room for poseability around the legs and head. It also shows off the robe and skirt very well. I do find that her head look too small in relation to her body and long limbs....

Unfortunately I messed up with the eyes. the painting is not too bad, but somehow her expression is REALLY blank... It could be the sculpt, but still.... maybe I'll have to repaint them one day.

The long hair, while looking good, resticted the range of motion of the head. While there are some good joints on the legs, without a proper stand she can't really pose into any form....
Fully armed. The small head effect is mor or less gone because of the helmet. Or it could be that the helmet look is the reason for the small head to begin with? Originally I feared the skirt armor might look odd with the short skirt, but actually it looks pretty good.

The chest armor and shoulder armor however is clashnig with the hair, as a result her head CAN'T move at all. Shame really because the shoulder armor don't restrict movement at all, so with soem head movement she could do a lot of sword weilding poses.
Srtings are used to hodl the shulder armor and fabric sleeves together, as well as all the skirt armors. The left over stings are tied into 2 pairs and dangling behind the arms. They are a bit curled up right now, so hopefully it will improve later on.

The strings and fake "strings" on the skirt armors look pretty matching, and bring some colour to the nearly monotone armor pieces.
Finally complete (except for the katanas). As this is my first poseable resin kit, I think I did alright. Not perfect, in particular, the eyes and the fit of the hairs are both off. But it's a valuable experience, and I 'll definitely build more poseable resin kits again. the making of the joints are challenging, but at the end they function well (better if I bought the right colour ones.....)
I'll add the katanas later when they are complete. I do have some other plan for them, so they might be going to some other projects.....
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