Here comes the the Magician in the Box!
Front/ Back View
Head Detail
Leg Detail
Back View without cape
Weapon: Nightmare's Soul
Attack Function: Deathscythe Hurricane.
Although that is not a Scythe...
Head Decoration Detail
Once again, Bandai LBX line come up with something interesting and fun.
Unlike LBX Pandora, Nightmare is very well coloured built straight out of the box, with enough detail all round. Molded in Black, Grey, White, Gold-ish and a few pieces of red and clear purple. The only colour that is really missing are the purple trims on the black parts, the red and purple on the head crest, a few red vent lines, and the black and silver on the weapon "Nightmare's Soul".
Talking about Nightmare's Soul, the 2 purple orbs are very nicely done, such that they look prety muh floating in midair, and stand out very well when kept in gloss.
The kit originally comes with a printed paper cape on the assembly instruction, but instead I decided to cut a wide red ribbon into shape for it instead.
Once thing to note however, is that Nightmare cannot stand on its own. Where Pandora can hold its pose, Nightmare's ankles are too weak to do so. But then, all Strider Frame LBX comes with stands, so that's not really a matter.
Overall, Nightmare is a great kit for beginner AND experienced model builder.
What paint technique did you use? Spray paint or hand paint?
ReplyDeleteIt is a mix of both. The gold is done with spray paint, but the silver, grey, purple, and red are hand painted. Finally a matte flat coat is apply to the entire kit with a spray can.
DeleteWoah ! btw your repainted and other review kits are so awesome, thanks.
Deleteanother question. DId you use spray cans or air brush? if spray cans what particular brand are you using?
Is the matte flat same for primer tamiya? sorry noob question, this is my 1st time creating a kit in my whole life, just need a lot of research before I start my model kits. Again thanks a lot