Aiming Scope

Sword: 斬空刀 can be stored at the hip
Bow: 鋭真弓 Three arrows are included in the set

Armed form

Combined Defensive Mode: 龍身鎧形態
Artillery Mode: 漣龍牙形態

Final Attack Form: 連射形態
Giant Bow: 龍鱗剛烈弓
Final Attack: 昂龍剛鳴閃
To be honest, When I got Kouchuu through the "5 Tiger Generals" set, I did not expect how good he is compared to the rest. I can see from the packaging that he got a lot of parts and forms, but it is the visual design that gives it a lot of personality.
Kouchuu in history and classic novel are portrayed as an old veteran with a rather headstrong, even stubborn, personality.
There are many feature on Kouchuu that makes it stands out. the giant backpack that form the mecha and giant bow, the triple arrow holder on his back, the removable aiming scope, but most of all, the asymmetrical armors. the varied types of armor and construction on his shoulder, arm, chest and skirt armor indicates that his gear has been broken and repaired endless number of times, adding to the veteran look.
All in all, Kouchuu is one of the best kit amongst all the sangokuden release. The playability is great, he looks very nice with lots of personality, the armor part count are high when combined with the support mecha. Recommended.
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